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Enjoying the Nature

Inner Life Transformation Through

Coherence Therapy

The body is keeping the score and
it's keeping the score for the entire journey,
on which the being inside that body has been.

A Safe Environment
to Be Seen and Heard

Healing only happens at the speed of safety.

Supporting You
at All Levels

Your path has led you here, which means you're ready.

Coherence Therapy
Through Somatic Modalities

Your body contains all the wisdom you need.

Making Your
Unconscious, Conscious

Programming the new outcomes.

Our approach is unique...

Are you looking for support on..

Window Reflection

Feeling stuck in your life regarding: career, goals, relationships, thought patterns..

Dr. Johnson's guidance will help you rapidly identify the source.

Flower Plant

Dealing with recurring mental-emotional patterns of anxiety, depression, dissociation, insomnia, grief, anger, sadness?

Coherence Therapy quickly produces the results you want.

Plant Shadow

In a loop with fight or flight, PTSD or a chronically stressed state of being?

Get down to the causal plane so you can produce foundational changes.

Plant Soil

Ready to move beyond everyday life coaching and really get into the soil of
inner life transformation?

Dr. Johnson is ready to guide you.

Free assessment coming soon.

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